Librone 1
Librone 1
Archivio della Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo di Milano, Sez. Musicale (I-Mfd)
Librone 1 (olim MS 2269)
Census: MilD 1
645 × 456 / 643 × 455
Modern (1950s)
Not visible
Ownership note on a former parchment pastedown of the back cover (currently detached), in Gaffurius’s hand: “Liber capelle ecclesie maioris mediolani factus opera et solicitudine franchini gaffori laudensis prefecti prefate capelle impensa vero venerabilis fabrice dicte ecclesie anno domini m cccc° lxxxx° die 23 junii”
On former parchment pastedowns of the front cover (currently detached), in Gaffurius’s hand
III (modern), 189, III’ (modern); modern pencil foliation 1ra/2va (sic) on the first folio, then coeval foliation in Arabic numerals 1–188
White mensural notation
One historiated initial at f. 2va: the Virgin Mary protects the façade of Milan’s old Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore with her blue-green mantle (emblem of the Veneranda Fabbrica del Duomo); the image is surrounded by the initial’s pen-flourished decoration in ink, with short marginal frieze. Pen-flourished initials in ink; reserved spaces. The section written by Scribe A presents simple initials in red.
Polyphonic choirbook prepared in Milan for use by the Duomo chapel under the direction of Franchinus Gaffurius. Copied by three scribes, including Gaffurius (see the Inventory). It contains hymns, Magnificats, and especially motets (including motet cycles and motetti missales); additionally, a Te Deum, some Marian antiphons, and various other liturgical items. The identified composers include Gaffurius, former members of the Sforza chapel (Loyset Compère, Gaspar van Weerbeke, and Johannes Martini), and such earlier composers as Gilles Binchois, Jean Pullois, and possibly Guillaume Du Fay (see the Catalogue). For fuller description, see PANTAROTTO 2019.