Adoramus te Christe : Virgo mitis
Catalogue item
Adoramus te Christe : Virgo mitis
[Compère, Loyset]
AMMM 13, 98-103; CMM 15.2, 16-19; MCE 3.6
FINSCHER 1964, 101-106; NOBLITT 1968; CRAWFORD 1970; WARD 1986; MACEY 1996, 166-180; GASSER 2001, 303-328; BOKULICH 2019; FILIPPI 2019A; FILIPPI 2019B; ROSSI 2019B; SCHMIDT 2019; CMM 15.2, iii
Ludwig Finscher (CMM 15.2, iii) ascribes the entire cycle to Compère, on the basis of the three concordances in Librone 1 and taking into account the particular treatment of the two tenor parts (which sing alternatim or in unison), treatment that is homogeneous in the whole cycle.